Sunday, March 29

second-time stand up

On Friday, I performed with We Do Stand Up at the Laughs of Love Comedy Festival at Tufts. It was my second set ever, so I had something of the howling fantods (reading Infinite Jest still, sorry), that is to say I was a ricocheting bundle of nerves. This is the first time my stand up was taped, so I'm kind of throwing this video around in everyone's faces right now, I apologize, but (ricocheting bundle of nerves) + (well-received performance) = (pride). That's kind of a blanket statement.

Point made; Here we go:


Anonymous said...

I must say, I am proud and confused to be your cousin. =P

Pretty funny stuff. =D

I shall also be attending your graduation and what-not.

chaz said...

Grand. Thanks, I always try to be confusing.